
  • [기계학습] CIFAR-10 데이터를 분류하는 분류기를 만들어보자(with CNN) (코드실습)
    코딩(Coding)/기계학습 2022. 2. 25. 13:29

    CIFAR-10 데이터를 분류하는 분류기를 만들어보자(with CNN) (코드실습)

    오늘은 CIFAR-10 데이터를 분류하는 분류기 모델 설계를 코드실습해 보려고 한다.



    CIFAR-10 Dataset

    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from tqdm import tqdm, notebook
    import torch
    import torch.nn as nn
    import torch.nn.functional as F
    import torch.optim as optim
    from torch.utils.data import Dataset, DataLoader
    from torchsummary import summary as summary_
    USE_CUDA = torch.cuda.is_available()
    DEVICE = "cuda" if USE_CUDA else "cpu"

    우선 필요한 라이브러리를 import 해준다.



    데이터 Import & 전처리

    from torchvision import transforms, datasets
    train_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(
                         train = True,
                         download = True,
                         transform = transforms.Compose([
                             transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(), # 랜덤으로 이미지의 상하반전함
                             transforms.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5),
                                                  (0.5, 0.5, 0.5))])), batch_size = 64, shuffle = True) # 픽셀의 값을 노말라이즈함(평균, 표준편차,)
    test_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(
                         train = False,
                         transform = transforms.Compose([
                             transforms.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5),
                                                  (0.5, 0.5, 0.5))])), batch_size = 64)
    label_names = ["airplane", "automobile", "bird", "cat", "deer", "dog", "frog", "horse", "ship", "truck"]

    이후 torchvision에 내장되어있는 CIFAR-10 데이터를 Load해준다.
    train 데이터와 Test데이터를 불러오고 랜덤하게 데이터를 상하반전해주고, 정규화를 해준다.



    데이터 살펴보기

    간단하게 데이터가 어떻게 생겼는지 살펴보자
    해상도가 낮아서 인간이 보기엔 뭔 그림인가 싶겠지만, 어느정도 윤곽으로 구분이 가능하다.

    _, (imgs, labels) = list(enumerate(train_loader))[27]
    i = 0
    for img, label in zip(imgs, labels):
        if i != 5:
            print("label :", label_names[label])
            print("img's shape : {}".format(img.shape))
            plt.imshow(np.transpose(img, (1,2,0)))
    label : horse
    img's shape : torch.Size([3, 32, 32])


    ​ label : deer
    ​ img's shape : torch.Size([3, 32, 32])


    ​ label : horse
    ​ img's shape : torch.Size([3, 32, 32])


    ​ label : airplane
    ​ img's shape : torch.Size([3, 32, 32])


    ​ label : frog
    ​ img's shape : torch.Size([3, 32, 32])



    학습, 검증 함수 정의

    학습과 검증에 사용할 함수를 정의해준다.

    loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
    def calc_acc(X, Y):
        x_val, x_idx = torch.max(X, dim=1)
        return (x_idx == Y).sum().item()
    def train(EPOCHS, model, train_loader, test_loader, opt):
        train_loss_history = []
        test_loss_history = []
        train_acc_history = []
        test_acc_history = []
        for epoch in range(1, EPOCHS+1):
            train_acc = 0
            print("<<< EPOCH {} >>>".format(epoch))
            for batch_idx, (img,label) in enumerate(notebook.tqdm(train_loader)):
                img, label = img.to(DEVICE), label.to(DEVICE)
                output = model(img)                 # 순전파
                loss = loss_fn(output, label)       # 오차 계산
                opt.zero_grad()                     # opt내부 값 초기화
                loss.backward()                     # 오차 역전파
                opt.step()                          # 가중치 갱신
                train_acc += calc_acc(output, label)
                if batch_idx % 100 == 0 and batch_idx != 0:
                    print("Training : [{}/{} ({:.0f}%)]\tLoss: {:.6f}\t Acc : {:.3f}".format(
                        batch_idx * len(img), 
                        100. * batch_idx / len(train_loader), 
                        train_acc / len(train_loader.dataset)))
            print("Training : [{}/{} ({:.0f}%)]\tLoss: {:.6f}\t Acc : {:.3f}".format(
                        100. * batch_idx / len(train_loader), 
                        train_acc / len(train_loader.dataset)))
            t_loss, t_acc = evaluate(model, test_loader)
            print("[{}] Test Loss : {:.4f}\t accuracy: {:.2f}%\n".format(epoch, t_loss, t_acc*100.))
            train_acc_history.append(train_acc / len(train_loader.dataset))
        return train_loss_history, train_acc_history, test_loss_history, test_acc_history
    def evaluate(model, test_loader):
        t_loss = 0
        correct = 0
        with torch.no_grad():
            for img, label in notebook.tqdm(test_loader):
                img, label = img.to(DEVICE), label.to(DEVICE)
                output = model(img)
                t_loss += loss_fn(output, label)
                correct += calc_acc(output, label)
        t_loss /= len(test_loader)
        t_acc = correct / len(test_loader.dataset)
        return t_loss, t_acc



    모델 정의

    모델은 총 3개를 정의하였다.

    1. Simple Linear Net
    2. Simple CNN Net
    3. Simple CNN Net + Channel Attention

    모델 구현 코드는 아래에 차례대로 있다.



    class LinearNet(nn.Module):
        def __init__(self):
            super(LinearNet, self).__init__()
            self.fc1 = nn.Linear(3*32*32, 1024)
            self.fc2 = nn.Linear(1024, 128)
            self.fc3 = nn.Linear(128, 10)
            self.act_fn = nn.ReLU()
        def forward(self, x):
            x = x.view(-1, 3*32*32)
            x = self.fc1(x)
            x = self.act_fn(x)
            x = self.fc2(x)
            x = self.act_fn(x)
            x = self.fc3(x)
            return x



    class CNN(nn.Module):
        def __init__(self):
            super(CNN, self).__init__()
            self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=3, out_channels=16, kernel_size=3, padding=1)
            self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=16, out_channels=32, kernel_size=3, padding=1)
            self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=32, out_channels=64, kernel_size=3, padding=1)
            self.conv4 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=128, kernel_size=3, padding=1)
            self.bn = nn.BatchNorm2d(32)
            self.fc1 = nn.Linear(128, 32)
            self.fc2 = nn.Linear(32, 10)
            self.pool = nn.MaxPool2d(2,2)
            self.flatten = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1)
            self.act_fn = nn.ReLU()
            self.drop = nn.Dropout(p = 0.25)
        def forward(self, x):
            x = self.conv1(x)           # (batch, 3, 32, 32) -> (batch, 16, 32, 32)
            x = self.act_fn(x)
            x = self.pool(x)            # (batch, 16, 32, 32) -> (batch, 16, 16, 16)
            x = self.conv2(x)           # (batch, 16, 16, 16) -> (batch, 32, 16 ,16)
            x = self.bn(x)
            x = self.act_fn(x)
            x = self.pool(x)            # (batch, 32, 16, 16) -> (batch, 32, 8, 8)
            x = self.conv3(x)           # (batch, 32, 8, 8) -> (batch, 64, 8, 8)
            x = self.act_fn(x)
            x = self.pool(x)            # (batch, 64, 8, 8) -> (batch, 64, 4, 4)
            x = self.conv4(x)           # (batch, 64, 4, 4) -> (batch, 128, 4, 4)
            x = self.act_fn(x)
            x = self.pool(x)            # (batch, 128, 4, 4) -> (batch, 128, 2, 2)
            x = self.flatten(x)         # (batch, 128, 2, 2) -> (batch, 128, 1, 1)
            x = x.view(-1, 128*1*1)     # (batch, 128, 1, 1) -> (batch, 128)
            x = self.fc1(x)             # (batch, 128) -> (batch, 32)
            x = self.act_fn(x)
            x = self.drop(x)
            x = self.fc2(x)              # (batch, 32) -> (batch, 10)
            return x



    class CNN_with_Att(nn.Module):
        def __init__(self):
            super(CNN_with_Att, self).__init__()
            self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=3, out_channels=16, kernel_size=3, padding=1)
            self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=16, out_channels=32, kernel_size=3, padding=1)
            self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=32, out_channels=64, kernel_size=3, padding=1)
            self.conv4 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=64, out_channels=128, kernel_size=3, padding=1)
            self.att1 = nn.Conv2d(16, 32, 3, 1, 1)
            self.att2 = nn.Conv2d(64, 128, 3, 1, 1)
            self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(16)
            self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(32)
            self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm2d(64)
            self.bn4 = nn.BatchNorm2d(128)
            self.fc1 = nn.Linear(128, 32)
            self.fc2 = nn.Linear(32, 10)
            self.pool = nn.MaxPool2d(2,2)
            self.flatten = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1)
            self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid()
            self.act_fn = nn.LeakyReLU()
            self.drop = nn.Dropout(p = 0.25)
        def forward(self, x):
            x = self.conv1(x)           # (batch, 3, 32, 32) -> (batch, 16, 32, 32)
            x = self.bn1(x)
            x = self.act_fn(x)
            x = self.pool(x)            # (batch, 16, 32, 32) -> (batch, 16, 16, 16)
            att = self.att1(x)           # (batch, 16, 16, 16) -> (batch, 32, 16 ,16)
            att = self.sigmoid(att)
            x = self.conv2(x)           # (batch, 16, 16, 16) -> (batch, 32, 16 ,16)
            x = x * att
            x = self.bn2(x)
            x = self.act_fn(x)
            x = self.pool(x)            # (batch, 32, 16, 16) -> (batch, 32, 8, 8)
            x = self.conv3(x)           # (batch, 32, 8, 8) -> (batch, 64, 8, 8)
            x = self.bn3(x)
            x = self.act_fn(x)
            x = self.pool(x)            # (batch, 64, 8, 8) -> (batch, 64, 4, 4)
            att = self.att2(x)          # (batch, 64, 4, 4) -> (batch, 128, 4, 4)
            att = self.sigmoid(att)
            x = self.conv4(x)           # (batch, 64, 4, 4) -> (batch, 128, 4, 4)
            x = x * att
            x = self.bn4(x)
            x = self.act_fn(x)
            x = self.pool(x)            # (batch, 128, 4, 4) -> (batch, 128, 2, 2)
            x = self.flatten(x)         # (batch, 128, 2, 2) -> (batch, 128, 1, 1)
            x = x.view(-1, 128*1*1)     # (batch, 128, 1, 1) -> (batch, 128)
            x = self.fc1(x)             # (batch, 128) -> (batch, 32)
            x = self.act_fn(x)
            x = self.drop(x)
            x = self.fc2(x)              # (batch, 32) -> (batch, 10)
            return x



    학습 & 검증


    model = LinearNet().to(DEVICE)
    opt = optim.AdamW(model.parameters())
    print("Device :", DEVICE)
    summary_(model,(3,32,32), device=DEVICE)
    Device : cuda
            Layer (type)               Output Shape         Param #
                Linear-1                 [-1, 1024]       3,146,752
                  ReLU-2                 [-1, 1024]               0
                Linear-3                  [-1, 128]         131,200
                  ReLU-4                  [-1, 128]               0
                Linear-5                   [-1, 10]           1,290
    Total params: 3,279,242
    Trainable params: 3,279,242
    Non-trainable params: 0
    Input size (MB): 0.01
    Forward/backward pass size (MB): 0.02
    Params size (MB): 12.51
    Estimated Total Size (MB): 12.54

    Simple Linear Net의 가중치는 대략 300만개로 3계층으로 이루어진 Linear Net이다.

    t_loss_his, t_acc_his, v_loss_his, v_acc_his = train(EPOCHS = 30, model = model, train_loader = train_loader, test_loader = test_loader, opt = opt)
    <<< EPOCH 1 >>>
    Training : [6400/50000 (13%)]    Loss: 1.826891     Acc : 0.042
    ... 중간 생략 ...
    Training : [50000/50000 (100%)]    Loss: 1.663226     Acc : 0.413
    [1] Test Loss : 1.5190     accuracy: 46.53%
    중간 생략
    <<< EPOCH 30 >>>
    Training : [6400/50000 (13%)]    Loss: 0.341410     Acc : 0.101
    ... 중간 생략 ...
    Training : [50000/50000 (100%)]    Loss: 0.732234     Acc : 0.773
    [30] Test Loss : 1.6701     accuracy: 55.11%

    학습 데이터에 대해서는 꾸준히 오르지만, Test 데이터에 대해서는 55%, 절반 정도의 정확도를 보인다.
    (아주 구리다...!)

    plt.plot(t_loss_his, label="train")
    plt.plot(v_loss_his, label="test")


    plt.plot(t_acc_his, label="train")
    plt.plot(v_acc_his, label="test")




    model = CNN().to(DEVICE)
    opt = optim.AdamW(model.parameters())
    print("Device :", DEVICE)
    summary_(model,(3,32,32), device=DEVICE)
    Device : cuda
            Layer (type)               Output Shape         Param #
                Conv2d-1           [-1, 16, 32, 32]             448
                  ReLU-2           [-1, 16, 32, 32]               0
             MaxPool2d-3           [-1, 16, 16, 16]               0
                Conv2d-4           [-1, 32, 16, 16]           4,640
           BatchNorm2d-5           [-1, 32, 16, 16]              64
                  ReLU-6           [-1, 32, 16, 16]               0
             MaxPool2d-7             [-1, 32, 8, 8]               0
                Conv2d-8             [-1, 64, 8, 8]          18,496
                  ReLU-9             [-1, 64, 8, 8]               0
            MaxPool2d-10             [-1, 64, 4, 4]               0
               Conv2d-11            [-1, 128, 4, 4]          73,856
                 ReLU-12            [-1, 128, 4, 4]               0
            MaxPool2d-13            [-1, 128, 2, 2]               0
    AdaptiveAvgPool2d-14            [-1, 128, 1, 1]               0
               Linear-15                   [-1, 32]           4,128
                 ReLU-16                   [-1, 32]               0
              Dropout-17                   [-1, 32]               0
               Linear-18                   [-1, 10]             330
    Total params: 101,962
    Trainable params: 101,962
    Non-trainable params: 0
    Input size (MB): 0.01
    Forward/backward pass size (MB): 0.59
    Params size (MB): 0.39
    Estimated Total Size (MB): 0.99

    Simple CNN Net은 4개의 Conv와 Pooling 조합을 가지고 있고 2개의 선형 분류기를 지나 출력되는 형태를 가졌다.
    사용되는 가중치는 대략 10만개 정도이다.

    t_loss_his, t_acc_his, v_loss_his, v_acc_his = train(EPOCHS = 30, model = model, train_loader = train_loader, test_loader = test_loader, opt = opt)
    <<< EPOCH 1 >>>
    Training : [6400/50000 (13%)]    Loss: 1.974538     Acc : 0.028
    ... 중간 생략 ...
    Training : [50000/50000 (100%)]    Loss: 1.231495     Acc : 0.391
    [1] Test Loss : 1.3294     accuracy: 50.69%
    중간 생략
    <<< EPOCH 30 >>>
    Training : [6400/50000 (13%)]    Loss: 0.307197     Acc : 0.113
    ... 중간 생략 ...
    Training : [50000/50000 (100%)]    Loss: 0.266454     Acc : 0.866
    [30] Test Loss : 0.6851     accuracy: 79.03%

    Simple Linear Net과 비교했을떄, 확연한 성능차이를 보인다.

    plt.plot(t_loss_his, label="train")
    plt.plot(v_loss_his, label="test")


    plt.plot(t_acc_his, label="train")
    plt.plot(v_acc_his, label="test")



    CNN(with Attention)

    model = CNN_with_Att().to(DEVICE)
    opt = optim.AdamW(model.parameters())
    print("Device :", DEVICE)
    summary_(model,(3,32,32), device=DEVICE)
    Device : cuda
            Layer (type)               Output Shape         Param #
                Conv2d-1           [-1, 16, 32, 32]             448
           BatchNorm2d-2           [-1, 16, 32, 32]              32
             LeakyReLU-3           [-1, 16, 32, 32]               0
             MaxPool2d-4           [-1, 16, 16, 16]               0
                Conv2d-5           [-1, 32, 16, 16]           4,640
               Sigmoid-6           [-1, 32, 16, 16]               0
                Conv2d-7           [-1, 32, 16, 16]           4,640
           BatchNorm2d-8           [-1, 32, 16, 16]              64
             LeakyReLU-9           [-1, 32, 16, 16]               0
            MaxPool2d-10             [-1, 32, 8, 8]               0
               Conv2d-11             [-1, 64, 8, 8]          18,496
          BatchNorm2d-12             [-1, 64, 8, 8]             128
            LeakyReLU-13             [-1, 64, 8, 8]               0
            MaxPool2d-14             [-1, 64, 4, 4]               0
               Conv2d-15            [-1, 128, 4, 4]          73,856
              Sigmoid-16            [-1, 128, 4, 4]               0
               Conv2d-17            [-1, 128, 4, 4]          73,856
          BatchNorm2d-18            [-1, 128, 4, 4]             256
            LeakyReLU-19            [-1, 128, 4, 4]               0
            MaxPool2d-20            [-1, 128, 2, 2]               0
    AdaptiveAvgPool2d-21            [-1, 128, 1, 1]               0
               Linear-22                   [-1, 32]           4,128
            LeakyReLU-23                   [-1, 32]               0
              Dropout-24                   [-1, 32]               0
               Linear-25                   [-1, 10]             330
    Total params: 180,874
    Trainable params: 180,874
    Non-trainable params: 0
    Input size (MB): 0.01
    Forward/backward pass size (MB): 0.92
    Params size (MB): 0.69
    Estimated Total Size (MB): 1.62

    Simple CNN Net에서 Channel Attention을 2번 주었다.
    그 만큼의 가중치가 추가되어 대략 18만개의 가중치가 사용되었다.
    과연 유의미한 성능 차이가 있을지...?

    t_loss_his, t_acc_his, v_loss_his, v_acc_his = train(EPOCHS = 30, model = model, train_loader = train_loader, test_loader = test_loader, opt = opt)
    <<< EPOCH 1 >>>
    Training : [6400/50000 (13%)]    Loss: 1.655612     Acc : 0.042
    ... 중간 생략 ...
    Training : [50000/50000 (100%)]    Loss: 1.449838     Acc : 0.536
    [1] Test Loss : 1.0514     accuracy: 62.95%
    중간 생략
    <<< EPOCH 30 >>>
    Training : [6400/50000 (13%)]    Loss: 0.230031     Acc : 0.117
    ... 중간 생략 ...
    Training : [50000/50000 (100%)]    Loss: 0.423190     Acc : 0.903
    [30] Test Loss : 0.6940     accuracy: 80.06%

    학습데이터에 대해서는 Simple CNN보다 더 나은 학습 성과를 보였다.
    다만, Test 데이터에 대해서는 Attention이 제대로 안먹혔는지, 유의미한 성능차이는 나오지 않았다.

    plt.plot(t_loss_his, label="train")
    plt.plot(v_loss_his, label="test")


    plt.plot(t_acc_his, label="train")
    plt.plot(v_acc_his, label="test")




    분류 성능 직접 확인하기

    실제로 분류 성능을 직접 확인하려면 아래 코드를 실행해보자
    (너무 길어서 출력은 제거 하였습니다. 확인을 원하시는 분들은 Github에 오셔서 보세용~ :D)

    softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=1)
    with torch.no_grad():
        _, (imgs, labels) = list(enumerate(test_loader))[13]
        for img, label in zip(imgs, labels):
            output = model(img.view(1,3,32,32).cuda())
            output = softmax(output)
            o_val, o_idx = torch.max(output, dim=1)
            print("실제값 :", label_names[label])
            print("예측값 :", label_names[o_idx])
            print("img's shape : {}".format(img.shape))
            plt.imshow(np.transpose(img, (1,2,0)))

    CNN에 대한 포스팅은 여기까지 하고 다음에는 RNN에 대해서 포스팅해보고자 한다.


    포스팅에 사용된 코드에 대한 전문은 아래 링크에서 확인할 수 있습니다.



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